
From Ideas to Impact: Learning Journeys Empower Local Leaders with AI

On September 12 StoryLab had the pleasure of hosting an exciting and transformative Custom Organizational GPT (COG) Learning Journey. Participants from three local organizations—Warm Heart Foundation, BEAM, and Philanthropy Connection Foundation—came together to learn how to leverage AI and build GPTs that were tailored to their specific organizational needs. It was a day full of collaboration, surprising insights, and breakthroughs in how technology can help local organizations work more effectively.

Coming Together: Building GPTs for Local Impact

The workshop started with participants bringing along key organizational documents, including project reports, proposals, meeting minutes, and promotional materials. These documents became the foundation for creating their very own Custom GPTs—AI models designed to assist with tasks like generating reports, social media posts, and proposals. As participants worked through the process of training their GPTs with this content, we could see the power of collaboration as representatives from each organization shared their unique challenges and ideas.

Final Presentation: GPTs Keeping Us on Our Toes

We capped off the day with a final presentation on Zoom, where participants presented their Custom GPTs to the leadership teams of their respective organizations. This gave everyone a chance to consolidate their learning and demonstrate the tangible applications of their GPTs in real-world scenarios.

However, the presentations didn’t always go as planned—in a good way! At times, the GPTs broke from the script, offering unexpected answers during the demo. This kept everyone on their toes and highlighted the unpredictability and creativity that comes with working with AI. While it required flexibility, it also underscored the importance of maintaining authorship and control over these AI tools, reminding us that GPTs are meant to enhance, not replace, human intelligence.

Unexpected Insights from GPT: Personal Reflections and Problem-Solving

Throughout the workshop, we explored how GPTs could assist with professional tasks, but one surprising moment came when Finn from Warm Heart Foundation asked his GPT about “secrets” from him. To everyone’s astonishment, the GPT accessed project reports and generated remarkable insights into how Finn had persevered through challenges and used creative thinking to solve problems. It was a deeply personal response that showcased the potential for AI to not only support tasks but also offer new perspectives on leadership and problem-solving within organizations.

This unexpected level of personal reflection raised interesting discussions about the depth and capabilities of AI, as well as the importance of critical oversight when using these tools. It’s clear that while GPTs can offer impressive insights, human input and guidance remain essential to direct the AI’s outputs meaningfully.

Local Leaders Empowered with AI

One of the most rewarding aspects of the day was seeing how quickly participants adapted to the technology. While many came in with limited experience using AI, they left the workshop empowered with the knowledge and tools to leverage technology in their daily jobs. The participants gained firsthand experience in how AI can streamline content creation and help them communicate more effectively, especially in roles where English proficiency is crucial.

 Looking Ahead: A New Chapter in Technology for Local Organizations

This workshop was more than just a learning experience—it was a glimpse into the future of how local organizations can harness AI to improve efficiency, communication, and problem-solving. By building Custom GPTs, participants left the workshop not only with new skills but also with tools they can immediately integrate into their work.

We look forward to seeing how Warm Heart Foundation, BEAM, and Philanthropy Connection will continue to explore the potential of AI within their organizations. As always, StoryLab remains committed to supporting local changemakers with the technology and knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Thank you to all who participated and to the organizational leaders who joined us on Zoom for the final presentation. We look forward to further collaborations and continuing this journey together.

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